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Setting up your profile
Anshu Bhardwaj avatar
Written by Anshu Bhardwaj
Updated over a week ago

After you created your account at GPlinks, You have to complete the basic things first to move forward. So lets start with

Completing Profile

  1. Go to and fill your basic details

  1. After filling the form click on Save changes button

Make sure you fill the details correctly, We will not sell your data so don't worry about Privacy :)

Filling payment info

  1. Choose your preferred payment method, Example: Paypal

  1. Fill the payment info and click on save changes

Note: You can anytime edit your payment method. Just do the same process.

Important: All Payment methods have different fees and tax rate. Please make sure to check them before using it. If you are from India then we highly recommended you to use UPI or bank Transfer

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